JUMP brings banknotes to life

G+D and SICPA have joined forces to bring together their expertise and knowledge in producing two eye-catching and proven security features.

First, is the RollingStar LEAD foil. Based on micromirror technology containing movement and colour change, the foil portrays strong dynamics with precise recognition even under poor light conditions. It also exhibits relief effects, motif changes, and others while having the possibility of being combined with one another in a seamless way. The RollingStar LEAD foil needs to be combined with the SPARK feature to allow users to experience design-friendly convenience.

Second is the SPARK feature from SICPA. SPARK is a security printed feature based on a complex and sophisticated technology that is built on a combination of highly interlaced secured components. The technology enables the creation of highly visible, moving and colour-shifting features of unprecedent brightness that shows sharp and impactful dynamic light effects, including volume and relief.

JUMP brings together two proven technology platforms that capture our attention creating a unique design experience. JUMP is not the sum of two features, but rather enables a special user experience of its own kind.

This new design approach uses the banknote as a stage where security elements dance together in creating a distinctive and memorable experience. Users will be ever more willing to flip through the story behind their national currency.

The JUMP concept can be integrated as a sequence of movements (as seen on our new house notes), which tells a story and connects with the user through various themes around nature, art, education, culture and more.

The next example demonstrates how two technology platforms can be complemented

In summary, complex technology + easy recognition = reinforced banknote security.

  • Technical Complexity: The objective is reached through G+D foil features, SPARK features and R&D developments and the expertise of both companies.
  • Easy recognition: eye-catching features that capture the user’s attention with  their light, colours and movements, that are easy to remember thanks to their design integration.


These technical and creative possibilities make the features easy to read, enabling high intuitive recognition.

The JUMP design concept can be applied on all banknote substrates and G+D foils solutions, such as RollingStarLEAD or Rolling Star Patch or varifeye® foils and patches with windows, as well as on all SPARK generations..

It is also compatible with the MultiCode, UV features and other proven technologies for unmatched security.
JUMP has been integrated on the new G+D Green Banknote (see CN May 2022) and on the Azerbaijan 50 Manat highlighting the benefits of education.

To conclude, JUMP brings a unique visual experience through smart design integration and intuitive storytelling. G+D and SICPA can assist and support central banks during the banknote design creation phase, the implementation stage and the production process to ensure that both overt security technologies are well integrated in coherence with the banknote design.


For more information: Currency News Homepage

Further Reading

Center stage for a new design concept. JUMP enables storytelling at its best and brings banknotes to life.